Youth Group
Forest School Youth Group is a wonderful session for young people, giving them an opportunity to take risks, build resilience and take ownership of their time in nature- with lots of laughter and fun! As is usual at Beccles Forest Schools, we facilitate the adventures that the young people want to embark on. We start and end gathered together, but otherwise this is a very learner-led session that heads in all sorts of amazing directions!
A typical Tuesday might be spent immersed in creating menus of campfire food, or crafting with what we find on The Wild Meadow. Young people will be given the opportunity to light a fire and cook food on it, use tools and immerse themselves in nature- den-building, climbing trees, pond-dipping and even exploring the dyke! Young people have the freedom to be themselves and follow their interests in nature.
The Wild Meadow
Age Group:
12-16 years
Quick Info:
Please get in touch with rachel4learninginnature@gmail.com to register your interest in this fully funded session.
Our Adventures:
This group have been very engaged in cooking and crafting! There has been wreath-making with fallen leaves, stir-frying and even cakes cooked in oranges! Creating some delicious-sounding menus was definitely a highlight.
You Will Need:
Suitable clothing:
– thick trousers and long sleeves to protect against nettles and insect bites
– waterproof jacket and trousers
– extra fleece or jumper
– sturdy close-toe shoes such as walking boots (neoprene wellies if you have a choice)
– sun or winter hat
– thermal layers and winter coat, if cold
– long hair must be tied back for safety
Please Bring:
– zipped bag to keep everything tidy
– change of clothing (including socks)
– snacks and plenty of water to drink
– cup, plate, knife, fork and spoon for food cooked on the fire
Please note: we have a NO NUTS policy and ask you to take all packaging away with you to re-use or recycle where possible.